Kate Dambach Yoga

Kate teaches to create the space for others to discover through the practice of yoga. Teaching for over a decade, Kate’s classes invite one’s awareness and attention to turn inward and observe, using the physical sensations of the body as a grounding support. Her classes, both Vinyasa and Yin, are lighthearted with a sense of exploration, encouraging a curiosity to meet any challenges. Kate weaves layers of Chinese medicine theories and dharma teachings throughout her classes and has a love for sharing stories and poetry- a few student favorites can be found here.

With a love for the energetics and felt sense experience of a yoga practice, Kate developed a great passion yin yoga and has completed many yin yoga trainings with the likes of Paul Grilley, Jo Phee and Melanie Mclaughlin. With extensive experience in yin pose variations, Kate welcomes all ages, abilities and stages of pregnancy into her yin yoga classes.

Kate currently offers one public class per week:

Yin Yoga: Sunday’s 5pm at Ritual Yoga & Pilates Mermaid Beach

Check the Events page for additional offerings of seasonal workshops or Yin + Pins events both on the Gold Coast and in Sydney.

Any inquires for private classes or collaborations please get in touch.

Readings from class…

In the End

by Tara Mohr

The image shows a woman in a high plank pose.

The Invitation

by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

The image shows a woman in full saddle, a deep yin backbend.
The image shows a woman in a seated forward fold.